Thursday, February 16, 2012

February Follies

February is that month in Vermont that has everyone itching to run off for a tropical getaway, or at least a good powder day. This year, I'm lucky enough to have made it to San Diego when I did because at home we are expecting rain... And what they call an "extreme" weather circumstance in Southern California, puddles. I'm hoping for one of two things: 1) a jumpstart to Spring with a nice gap in the weather right around mud season (maybe it won't be too bad anyways because of the lack of melting snow) or 2) a good ole fashioned noreaster comes our way in the next three weeks. If not, I'm going to continue writing about things I call February Follies when I'm not really sure what "folly" is by definition.

A first response on google search is "lack of good sense; foolishness" which makes a little bit of sense. Foolish and Folly seem to sound the same and have some of the same qualities... But I guess I always thought foolishness had a bit of shame that went with it and a folly was more like a mishap.

Check out this wikipedia entry for folly. I happened to have this visit alongside a google image search but went to wikipedia first because it shows on the google search page... Of course, there is a link to images right there, too. Folly: this structure seems to fit my premonition more appropriately. A sort of random, non-functional, "accidental" building. The ironic part is that the sheer excitement and infatuation these follies evoke come from the novelty of the folly. In fact, February Follies have nothing to do with mishaps, at least not this year. Happy Leap Year, have a fabulous month, dreary or not, and enjoy... Let the sun shine down on all follies.


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