Monday, January 13, 2014

One Last Laugh

Each year that has gone by before 2014 has come and gone with equal speed, grace, change, love and wonder that I’m always blown away by the time it’s over. Taking one chance to look back on last year has sent me into a sort of up-ness, or lifted-ness. The feeling is a knowing that time can, and will, go on but there is an underlying rootedness that keeps each one of us constantly the same as it goes by. Each day we go to sleep and wake up as the same person in the same body for our whole lives. We live through profound change and transformation but we’re ALWAYS THE SAME! So thank you to 2013 for a completely inspiring year and let’s get ready for what happens next.

I’d also like to thank every person that I’ve seen, spoken to, heard, practiced with, traveled to, thought about, read about, walked by or sat next to for their being and spirit.

Moving to the New Year brings me to a few new things, and mostly more of the same. NEW: My Website!!! is up as of 1/1/14 as a new place to find my blog, yoga class & workshop schedule, photos, and who knows what else as days go by! Please enjoy the site and continue to check back for new-ness and awesome-ness. Speaking of new and awesome the next Kids Yoga session starts next week! Also I have an Ashtanga workshop coming up on Saturday 1/18 at Studio Zenith at 1:30 pm: Intro to Ashtanga, all levels welcome. More info on the new site :)

This is the posture I resolve to practice in 2014.

It is called Eka Pada Sirsasana and the variations run A-C in the Intermediate Series (C is the lifted one). I picked it because right now it feels like it will take at least 25 years get down. Check out this sweet break dancer Arthur, if you haven’t already or again if you like doing more of the same stuff sometimes like me. Click here to see his stuff on youtube.

Here’s a video I put up last week:
 The headstand is called mukta hasta sirsasana B, headstand is always challenging but this month has called for heat, fire & up-ness so I guess that's where it started.

And in honor of doing more of the same things again,  I’ll leave you with a quote from an old classic I’m re-reading:
                I felt trapped and broke out in a cold sweat. Azure drops ran down my entire body, and wherever, I moved my foot, a pool formed. Water trickled from my hair and in less time than it takes me to tell you, I was changed into a spring. 
                                                                            -Book V, line 634, Metamorphoses by Ovid

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