Friday, September 13, 2013

So Sweet

It's Friday morning and I'm burning incense and drinking tea before work. These quiet mornings spent at home are some of my most treasured times, they are few and far between but peaceful beyond compare. The wildness of September keeps my home dark this morning, rain spitting and wind ripping outside the windows. The spider that has been living on the other side of one of our window panes, Tito, has really started to pull at my heart strings. I keep thinking of Charlotte's Web and I just know that one day I could wake up and he'll be gone. The other day I came home in the rain and Tito was in the very center of his web. I'm not sure if it was a gesture of pride, domain, change of view or if he was just capturing a bug... Whatever it was I'm grateful for Tito and he has helped me realize an even greater respect for all living things. AHIMSA.

This week marked week one of KIDS Yoga! The first day was an overwhelming success and a very humbling experience. I was given the greatest gift of all, words filled with honesty, sincerity and truth. If I had more words, I would write them down... SATYA.

 Classes at the studio continue to bustle with new faces and old spirits. Fall is a tricky time for many of us while we hold on to the sweetness of summer. I am trying my hardest to find a yoga class for Every Body at the studio. Whether it is 15 minutes or 17 hours a week no practice is more powerful than another. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, give yourself the gift of practice. If you're not sure where to start, ask me! Teaching is really just sharing; be true to yourself, give yourself, the work will follow. ASTEYA.

  The fresh food world in Vermont EXPLODES this time of year. Harvest season is the greatest example of APARIGRAHA I've found so far. Everyone shares their bounty. Squash, carrots, kale, herbs, garlic, beets, beans and so much more continue to find a way into my home. Family and friends do not hoard their goodies, but share the crop with those who can use it. It's an energetic offering, so much time and love goes into each garden that grows, thank you. I've got tiny tomatoes to share if anyone's interested! I've also harvested lots of calendula so stay tuned for homemade calendula salve sometime this fall...

And finally a note on love. Intimacy is something to be cherished, not paraded around town or plastered on the internet. So be proud, be strong and be true to the ones you love. If you've found a life partner be happy, keep things simple, cuddle, and laugh. If you've found true love in yourself be happy, keep things simple, cuddle, and laugh. Have confidence in your passion and find joy in knowing that love comes from and will always reside in the deepest of your heart. BRAMACHARYA.

Ahimsa- non-harming
Satya- truthfulness
Asteya- non-stealing
Aparigraha- non-hoarding
Bramacharya- moderation/celibacy

The yamas and niyamas of Ashtanga yoga have been taking on more and more power in my day to day routine. In class we've been talking about them and their manifestations in our own lives. They are constant reminders of what it means to be a human in the world today. I've listed the 5 yamas above because yoga is more than doing forearm stands on paddle boards (wink, wink), getting legs behind your head or learning your first sun salute. The light that yoga shines one the world is not hidden by even the darkest of clouds or the heaviest of rains. Namaste.

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