I know ignorance is something to stray far from, but is it OK to "ignore" April? Welllllll, no. You would miss too much Awesomeness! This breathy Adrenaline is a by produce of the workshop Emily and I held at Studio Zenith last night. We had to greatest number of people doing Ashtanga in the studio thus far and the air in there was completely electric. So thank you to everyone who came out, we can not wait to see you again soon, and thank you to Anyone who does yoga Anytime, Anywhere.
A very different part of my weekend was spent cleaning out the "other" room in the upstairs of our apartment. Since we moved in (a year and a half ago) the room has Accumulated a wealth of stuff, and in an effort to begin the inevitable Springtime cleanse Jayson and I went to work. Luckily we've decided to remove the weight bench and desk we never use and there is actually space in there! I've put my herb starts in the window and vacuumed and voila:
An in-home studio space! An April miracle! I'm excited!
Another April must-do is celebrate Jayson's birthday, which is tomorrow. We went out on Friday starting with an afternoon at the Stoweflake spa and evening massages. It was my second visit to the spa last week, Emma and I spent an afternoon there on Tuesday getting aromatherapy body wraps and pedicures. The spa offers service for 50% off one week in the spring and fall each year. I highly recommend checking it out! Friday evening we ate out at Crop Bistro & Brewery just across the street and had an Amazing meal. The weather was sleeting and blowing all day but the mild temperatures allowed us to brave the night out. It was well worth the free birthday dessert and spectacular service, we will definitely return to Crop.
Alongside busy days and lush behavior, we've been eating out of the freezer at home! No more lentil soup, but there is still pie crust, pizza dough, homemade bread and plenty of other soups to choose from. I think a may start a soup-making-binge tradition every winter, it's especially nice for these drizzly and dark spring days. The black bean burgers I made months ago are almost used up and have become one of my faves. And yes, those are leftover fiesta fries and HLBs....
I can't resist posting this photo, Lola and her seven-toed paws...
46. sthira sukhamasanam
asana is a steady, comfortable posture (or asana is a stable, happy presence)
47. prayatna saithilyananta samapattibhyam
by lessening the natural tendency for restlessness and by meditating on the infinite, posture is mastered
48. tato dvandvanabhigatah
thereafter, one is not disturbed by dualities
Yoga Sutras: Book Two by Sri Swami Satchidananda
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